We’re releasing a new album!

We have a new album coming out this spring!

We’re so excited, and as we continue on this road to
releasing our second ever studio album, we’d like to
ask for your support. Click here find out how you
can help fund our journey towards new music!

We are The Vassar Devils


We perform and compete!

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  • International Championship of Collegiate a Cappella (ICCAs)

  • Boston Sings a Cappella Festival (BOSS)

  • The Beacon Theater

  • Boston Symphony Hall

  • "Sing It On!"

  • POP TV

  • The Bardavon Opera House

  • The Coast Guard

  • The Vassar Brothers Medical Center Annual Diamond Gala

  • Private Christmas Parties (business/social occasions)

  • Weddings <3

  • Other Colleges and Universities, most recently University of Pennsylvania and Temple University

  • Various gigs for Vassar Admissions and other on-campus organizations, charities, and events


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  • Performance for the Family Services Gala in Poughkeepsie to raise money for victims of abuse and families in need

  • Northeast Tour with performances throughout New York (including NYC) and Pennsylvania ending at the University of Pennsylvania

  • Recording our second studio album, to be announced soon!

...one of the best sets of the evening. This group’s big sound was a highlight of the competition.”
— A Cappella Blog on ICCA Northeast 5th Quarterfinal 2015

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  • Performance for Sing Out for Shelter in Washington D.C. to raise money for the homeless

  • Northeast Tour with performances throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts ending at Northeastern University

The Devils made a bold choice to bring an original song to competition ... that no other group could really match ... Outstanding song.”
— Mike Scalise (ACB) on ICCA Northeast Semifinals 2015

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  • Opening for Overboard at NE Voices Festival

  • 2016 Berkshire School A Cappellapollooza

☆ 1st place

  • California Tour with performances in San Francisco, Carmel, Los Angeles, and Orange County

  • 2016 Boston Sings (BOSS) at Somerville Theater

☆ 1st place ☆ Best Arrangement ☆ Best Spoken Word ☆ Most Nuanced Performance

The mastery of dynamics really lent the group an edge and intensity from the get-go.”
— Mike Chin (ACB) on ICCA Finals 2015

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  • Find Your Voice: An Original A Cappella Songwriting Competition

 1st place - this coming year we will get to collaborate with The Exchange, Tat Tong, and record an all-originals EP

  • 2015 ICCA Quarterfinals

2nd place ☆ Best Arrangement for the Entire Set ☆ Best Choreography for the Entire Set

  • 2015 ICCA Semifinals

☆ 1st place ☆ Best Arrangement for the Entire Set ☆ Best Choreography for the Entire Set

  • Competed at 2015 ICCA Finals at Beacon Theater, NY

  • Performance at White House for President Barack Obama and the First Lady, Michelle Obama
