We’ll be running all over campus singing to anyone and everyone. See if you can spot us (it shouldn’t be very hard)! We’ll be doing video Valentinograms, too!
We’ll be running all over campus singing to anyone and everyone. See if you can spot us (it shouldn’t be very hard)! We’ll be doing video Valentinograms, too!
Come see our final concert! We’ll be showcasing what we’ve been working on this semester, and you might get to see a fun video. We’re super excited :) hope to see you there!
Come celebrate the winter holidays with us at the Rhinebeck Sinterklaas festival! We’ll be outside busking (so see if you can find us) an we’ll be doing a full performance at the Reformed Church, too.
Catch us at Yale (in the Dwight Chapel) performing with The New Hampshire Gentlemen, The Yale Spizzwinks, Red Hot & Blue, and Something Extra!
Come to the Rose Parlor for way too much a cappella (jk there’s no such thing).
We’ll be performing on the Vassar library lawn, along with other music groups on campus (not just a cappella)!
Come to Rocky 312 with a 30-60 second song and love in your heart!
***Reminder: We’ll be taking a break from 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch.
Want to know which a cappella group is right for you? Come to the second floor of the Deece and see them all perform!
Come find us on Noyes Circle to learn about the Devils or just to get to know us!
Come and see The Devils and the 8 other A Cappella groups on Thursday, September 7th at 8:00pm in the Villard Room to perfom and show you what we're all about before you audition the following Friday or Saturday!
The Devils are excited to present: TRUTH or DAREDEVILS 2.0!
Our concert will not only feature *4 brand new songs*, but will also include a variety of hilarious/enticing/enticing questions of the audience’s (YOUR) choosing!!
Visit http://bit.ly/2pbghHJ and write out your questions and dares in advance!
Stop by the retreat / college center or email us to buy your valentinograms!!!!
We deliver our song grams to classrooms, dorms, make personal videos, make phone calls, skype call, etc :)
Auditions are in the Faculty Parlor Friday afternoon (9/9), and Saturday morning (9/10).
On Saturday after all auditions are done, we'd let you know about call backs!
Call backs will be on Sunday evening (9/11) in the Jade Parlor.
Any peeps at Vassar interested in A Cappella?! Come to the preview concert and hear all the Vassar groups perform.
Groups performing:
Night Owls, Measure 4 Measure, Axies, Beauty and the Beats, Home Brewed, BAM, AirCappella, Vastards, and us - Vassar Devils :)
See you at 8pm at UPC!!!
The Vassar Devils are going on a West Coast tour and we're releasing our first professionally recorded album! We've been trying for the past two years to fundraise extensively but we need your help! We have two days left and are less than $400 away from our goal!
We start selling Valentinograms for the campus community next week, yet for the next two days, we are offering a special deal to help us fundraise: Limited Edition Valentinograms!
What's the difference? Well for normal Valentinograms, we normally have a select number of 45 second song snippits from our rep that we sing. Not all of our rep is available. The limited edition valentinogram is ANY full-length Devils song from our rep and a baked good (made with love by our members) to the person of your choosing. (You could even choose yourself!).
If you donate $20 or more, you'll receive not only a download of our recently released single and EP album (when it comes out), but also the Limited Edition Valentinogram! Simply comment on your donation that you want a Limited Edition Valentinogram. When we table, you can come up to us, tell us you donated and set up your special valentinogram then! Please help us reach our goal! www.gofundme.com/vassardevils
Our current song selection includes:
How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris ft. Disciples (soloed by Laura)
Alive - Sia (soloed by Dani)
With My Hands Out - Hannah Tobias (soloed by Jordan)
Gone - Lianne La Havas (soloed by Dani)
My Heart With You - The Rescues
Fly Me to the Moon - Frank Sinatra (soloed by Anyone!)
Thank You - Boyz II Men (soloed by Naa)
I Will Wait - Hannah Tobias
Break Me Out - The Rescues (soloed by Joseph and Laura)
With another semester on the brink of completion and finals week looming ever so menacingly over us, it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve all got a bad case of the feels. Some of us are feeling so many feels that we don’t even know how to feel (definitely true for most of us in the Devils)!
Basically, we’re all living the college version of Pixar’s Inside Out (cries instantly at mention of Inside Out). But instead of listening to Adele* all alone in your room and crying about how you’ll never complete your papers, exams, or projects—or about how you just can’t figure out if that recent Vassar Missed post was ACTUALLY about you or not—come cry/laugh/feel with us as we sing, belt, and screlt (scream) our hearts out.
Find the inner strength to log out of Netflix, X out that cat video on youtube, put down that glass of wine, and come on down to Rocky 200 this Sunday, Dec. 13th, at 7:00 PM. The concert should only be about an hour long, so you’ll have plenty of time to get back to studying afterwards!
We really hope to see y’all there ♥!
The Devils
P.S. BYOT (Bring Your Own Tissues)
*Adele may or may not be in attendance. There’s only one way for you to find out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Come audition for the Vassar Devils! We're looking for all voice parts. Head over to the audition page to find out more information about auditions! This year we have a lot of exciting things planned, from gigs, to a tour, to recording our album, to collaborating with professional a cappella group - The Exchange! We would love to hear all of your voices. Auditions will take place in the Faculty Parlor and Callbacks are in the Jade Parlor. Can't wait to see you all!
Come check out all the Vassar A Cappella groups in UpC!!
This event will help showcase the different a cappella groups before audition weekend.
All day on Valentine's Day! Have the Vassar Devils serenade your loved ones! We're able to record YouTube/FaceBook videos/videos to email, call your loved ones, or stop by their room on campus throughout the day! Stop by our table the week before valentine's day or shoot us an email at devils.vsa@vassar.edu to set up a phone call/skype call/video. :)
$7 - Morning Sunshines
$5 - Valentinograms
Songs to pick for Valentinograms:
Fly Me to the Moon, Thank you, Love on Top, My Heart With You, I Can't Make You Love Me
Join us in your pajamas as we wrap up this semester with our Final Concert!
Our first official performance of the year!
We will be sitting in the Main 3rd floor TV room all weekend (Specifically, Friday 5pm-11pm and Saturday 9am-12pm) waiting to hear you sing!!! Please come by, even if you're considering it just a little bit. We promise you will have a blast! See the Auditions page for more info on what to sing for the auditions! :-)
Come on down to UpC at 8:00 p.m. to see each of the campus a cappella groups perform a 2 song set.
This is a great way to figure out which groups you're interested in auditioning for, and is also a really fun concert where you get to see each group do two of their best songs!
We will be there - and you should be too!