Here are the fabulous members of the Vassar Devils!
(Scroll over their photos to see their hidden talents!)
Matt Goldstein '17 - tenor
Position: Pitch
Major: Music and Drama
Hometown: Sharon, MA
Favorite Artists: Sara Bareilles, Regina Spektor, Pentatonix, Eric Whitacre, Apollo Run, Ingrid Michaelson, Jessie J, and so many others. Having to choose a list this small is torture!
Favorite Movie: ABOUT TIME!
Fun Fact About Myself: One time, Regina George punched me in the face… It was awesome!
Hannah Tobias '16 - soprano
Position: Co-Pitch
Major: Drama
Hometown: Rhinebeck, NY
Favorite Artists: (I’m more of a song-by-song person, but if I have to?) Billy Joel for the classics, the Scissor Sisters for an 80′s dance party, Andrew Bird for the hipster, John Mayer for the singer-songwriter, “Original Broadway Cast” for almost anything else, and my composing-musician-friends (for example Sean Eads – of BEND – and Sam Smith [both Devils!]) for unreal, live or recorded talent!
Favorite Movie: Singin’ In the Rain
Fun Fact About Myself: I have tap-danced in a boxing ring professionally.
Jacob Damsky '15 - bass/vocal percussion
Position: Business Manager
Major: Biology, Correlate Sequence in Music Composition
Hometown: Lexington, MA
Favorite Artists: Queen, Green Day, John Mayer, Bruno Mars, Maroon 5, Frank Ocean, Coldplay, Muse.
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight
Fun Fact About Myself: I am basically the Dad of the group, and I love all my little devilish children.
Sean Eads '15 - tenor/vocal percussion
Major: Media Studies, Correlate in Math/Computer Science
Hometown: Los Angeles
Favorite Artists: There’s nothing less revealing about my musical tastes than listing some of the artists I like I’m so sorry I can’t do it I just can’t.
Favorite Movie: Can I change it to favorite TV show? Twin Peaks. Movies is too hard. The movie I’ve watched the most is probably Brick, but there are many movies I mean c’mon I love ‘em all.
Fun Fact About Myself: I’m in a band called Bend.
Tamsin Chen '15 - alto
Major: International Studies & Economics
Hometown: Singapore, Singapore & Melbourne, Australia
Favorite Artists: Simon & Garfunkel, Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Norah Jones, Joni Mitchell
Favorite Movie: Spirited Away
Fun Fact About Myself: Ultimate favourite sandwich combo is the peanut butter-and-pickle. Or try peanut butter, olives, and apple slices – just trust me on this!
Danny Dones '16 - bass
Major: Latin American & Latin@ Studies, Correlate Sequence in Music and Culture
Hometown: Morristown, NJ
Favorite Artists: Beyoncé, Frank Ocean, John Legend, Solange, JT, Etta James, Marvin Gaye, Selena, Amy Winehouse, Coldplay, Stevie Wonder, Ellie Goulding, Lana Del Rey, Bend.
Favorite Movie: Pan’s Labyrinth
Fun Fact About Myself: I sleep with a hamburger pillow.
Josh Bruce '16 - tenor
Position: Publicity, Asst. Webmaster
Major: The FUTURE (Environmental Bio)
Hometown: Philly
Favorite Artists: Edvard Munch, Hieronymus Bosch.
Favorite Movie: LOTR Return of the King. I AM Merry.
Fun Fact About Myself: I cook to the Bee Gees.
Joseph Szymanski '17 - tenor
Position: Treasurer
Hometown: Long Island, New York
Favorite Artists: “Original Broadway Cast” for nearly any show (stolen from Hannah Tobias, but SO true), basically anyone performing for a Disney movie, One Direction, Maroon 5, Linkin Park, Spice Girls, Owl City, Alicia Keys, Queen—I’d keep going but I get really particular about the specific songs that I like. Play me one of your favorite artists, I’m sure I’ll like them too!
Favorite Movie: V for Vendetta
Fun Fact: I’ve used Facebook to document nearly every strange/hilarious occurrence that has happened to me over the past few months.
Naa Nikoi '17 - alto
Position: Co-Business Manager
Major: Undeclared
Hometown: n/a
Favorite Artists: First Aid Kit, Shakira
Favorite Movie: I watch way too many movies to have a favorite, but Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2/ and American beauty are pretty high up.
Fun Fact About Myself: I don't have a favorite color.
Sarah Ragan '17 - alto
Major: Undecided
Hometown: Allentown, PA
Favorite Artists: Devin Townsend, Slothrust, Frank Turner, Woods of Ypres, the Spring Standards
Favorite Movie: American Beauty
Fun Fact About Myself: My pit hair is dyed pink (and it’s glorious).
Michelle Morochnik '17 - soprano
Major: Undecided
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Favorite Artists: Death Cab for Cutie, Sufjan Stevens, Ella Fitzgerald, George Gershwin, Keaton Henson, The White Stripes, Billy Joel
Favorite Movie: Mary & Max (and almost every animated short out there)
Fun Fact About Myself: The end of the Cold War and me being really bad at Russian are my biggest regrets for America because now I have to choose a career path other than Russian Spy.
Jordan Gotbaum '17 - soprano
Major: Polisci
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Favorite Artists: I singularly listen to "Turn Down for What" on repeat.
Favorite Movie: Mean Girls 2
Fun Fact About Myself: This picture of me is my prize possession.
Laura Barreto '17 - soprano
Position: Webmaster/Historian
Major: Computer Science with Music Theory Correlate
Hometown: Palisades Park, NJ
Favorite Artists: Regina Spektor, Muse, Mumford & Sons, Fleet Foxes, Beirut, Punch Brothers, Sufjan Stevens, etc...
Favorite Movie: Moulin Rouge
Fun Fact: I absolutely love panda bears. Once, I had a two week phase where I wanted to become a panda breeder specialist.
Jimmy Pavlick '18 - bass/vocal percussion
Major: Undeclared, but likely Drama with minors in Film and Philosophy
Hometown: Litchfield, CT
Favorite Artists: James Blake, Mark Doty, Salvador Dali, Gary Oldman
Favorite Movie: The Man From Nowhere
Fun Fact About Myself: Every blood moon, I write approximately 20 poems in two weeks, then don't produce anything worthwhile for the next few months.
Vassar Devil's Alumni
Sam Smith '14
Benjamin Wills '14
Ashlei Hardenburg ’13
Arianna Gass ’13
Christian Nadell ’13
Kavan McEachern ’13
Rose Connelly ’13
Julia Hanna ’12
Naomi Dubin ’12
Emmett Ingram ’12
Zach Sorgen ’11
Sam Stites ’11
Toru Momii ’11
Alex McCoy ’11
Ben Palacios ’11
Ben Demers
Elizabeth Weaver
And many more!